​​​​Helping Maryland communities learn, grow, build, and heal​​​​



The Office of Social Equity, an independent executive agency established by the Cannabis Reform Act of 2023, serves to promote economic opportunity and equity in Maryland’s adult-use cannabis market.​

The responsibilities of the Office include:

  • Implementing technical assistance programs for qualifying social equity applicants and licensees;
  • Reviewing regulations and laws through an economic equity and social justice lens; and
  • Supporting key programs, including the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund and the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund.

Through programs, outreach, and advocacy, the Office of Social Equity is stewarding an inclusive adult-use cannabis market that encourages full participation from communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs and create an industry that is reflective of Maryland’s diverse population. Together, we're working towards a brighter, more equitable future for all Marylanders.

The Maryland Difference

Maryland is the first state in the nation to open a cannabis licensing round exclusively for qualifying social equity applicants in all license types. On March 14, 2024, the Maryland Cannabis Administration conducted a lottery for 174 social equity business licenses.


